VanArts Web Program Website

About Project:

Vancouver Institute of Media Arts(VanArts) is a private post-secondary institute offers highly focused and intensive diploma programs in areas such as Web Development & Design, Visual Effects, 2D&3D Animation, Game Art, Photography, Broadcasting and Acting. Web Development & Design program needed a micro and dynamic website to showcase some students work and brief info about the program.


This was a very unique and fun project for me. All student works were already on department’s server and we wanted to create a dynamic website which will require very minimum administrative work. A scheduled PHP application as a part of this website crawls all folder/files on the server, find a specific xml files created by students and populate wordpress database with these information found on xml files. Based on these info it creates categories, posts and attaches images needed automatically. Finally, what is left for admin is just to login to the backend and make the last approval to publish new contents!

Skills Used:

  • PHP, MySQL
  • WordPress
  • WordPress custom plugin development
  • jQuery
  • Agile development


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